RedRoute was founded in October 2007 – ironically just before the economy hit the buffers in 2008!
However, as it turned out the timing was fortuitous because in 2008 many companies were looking even more intensely than ever before at how to measure the returns from their marketing budgets – both to justify the spend and to make sure it was working as hard as possible.
Our services provide companies with both a beacon and a compass to help them stay on-course and navigate their way through stormy waters without sinking below the waves.
Founded by Richard Hey, Ray Higgs and Steve Messenger, each of whom had had previous careers with spells on the client side, agency side, and in consultancy, they used their combined experience to define a service offering for clients that addressed the increasing need for both budget justification and guidance on how to optimise the marketing mix so as to maximise ROI.
RedRoute has since grown to comprise a group of c.30 people delivering a mix of consultancy, market research and marketing analytics services across a range of clients stretching between London and Singapore.
Working extensively with some of the world’s top companies and with key national assets such as Heathrow and Changi Airports, RedRoute’s expertise in customer value management, market analysis, brand building, pricing, promotions, strategic sales forecasting and advertising effectiveness is now being used in countries across Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Testimony to the value of our analysis services can be seen in the fact that over 80% of our revenues come from repeat business and much of new business comes from personal recommendation.
In 2013 our strategic sales forecasting service received the accolade of being endorsed by the UK CAA as a best practice technique for the management of airport retail sales. This was because our technique of understanding the 5 key drivers of demand (see ENP) has created a step-change in the ability of companies to anticipate future sales performance in the face of economic uncertainty.
Combining this with our extensive understanding of how marketing activities drive sales – everything from TV advertising to social media – and companies are seeing the benefits of being able to know what their current plans are likely to deliver and then use scenario planning to improve them.
Looking Forward
RedRoute is still a young company – both in age and spirit. The founders of RedRoute enjoy pushing back boundaries and always want to understand “Why?” not just “What?”. That’s because by understanding the “Why?” we can then make it work better than before. And we recognise that it is emotions that really drive decisions, not just facts and figures. Communication as much as context. We hope you enjoy visiting our web site and hope we can help you achieve your ambitions.