RedRoute On-the-Road! Westminster Abbey and Team Meeting

Another successful RedRoute Social and Team Event day took place on 15th October!

The day kicked off with a guided tour of Westminster Abbey followed-up by a quick-fire ‘did you know’ Q&A session with all those who missed the tour: such as “Did you know that Mary, Queen of Scots is re-buried at Westminster Abbey (Scotland was her original resting place) and lies pretty close to the Queen who had her executed?” – not a lot of people know that!

The Hub, Kings Cross (keeping the royal theme going!) was then host to our latest Team Event Meeting keeping everyone up to date with news from the clients and projects RRI are working for around the world.

It was also the time for meeting new colleagues and for renewing old bonds! Emily, Dave and Stephen recently joined RedRoute and enjoyed meeting everyone. Unfortunately Shree and Farnaz were unable to make it but there’s always next time!

The day ended with dinner at “The Fellow” in Kings Cross – if you haven’t been then we can recommend it as a place with great atmosphere and great food and it is literally round the corner from KX station. Better than the station buffet!

The time, date and location of the next event “RedRoute On-the-Road!” event is not yet fixed but we’ll keep you informed when it happens!

But latest breaking news that I do know is that another trip to Royal Ascot is planned for next year where we look forward to meeting and seeing again our valued friends and customers. Look out for the invites coming your way!